Erman Cobanoglu

Born : 1982
Hometown : Istanbul / Turkey
Lives & Works : Istanbul / Turkey
Education :

Born in Istanbul in 1982, Erman Çobanoğlu's involvement in the world of painting and sculpture since his childhood has been a journey that has deeply shaped his understanding of reality. Under the guidance of Teymur Rzayev, his art teacher during his college years, he developed a philosophy that values the conceptual depth of lines beyond aesthetic beauty.

This transformative educational experience led him to discover the subtle meanings in the works of various painters and artists, of whom Hieronymus Bosch stands out as a particularly influential figure. He saw growing up in the culturally rich and cosmopolitan environment of Istanbul as an invaluable opportunity to embrace and understand different cultures.

These cultural interactions left a lasting impact on their artistic expressions; His works shed light on various compositions and reflections on contemporary themes such as creation, existence, balance, questioning, equality and critical values. His works attract the attention of art enthusiasts due to their depth and thought-provoking nature.

Continuing his art journey in Istanbul, the artist actively participates in various exhibitions and auctions, exhibiting his evolving perspective and contributing to the vibrant art environment.

25.000,00 TL
Mindcage I

Erman Cobanoglu
100cm x 150cm

16.000,00 TL
Sidewalk II

Erman Cobanoglu
100cm x 150cm

25.000,00 TL
Woman to Simurgh

Erman Cobanoglu
100cm x 150cm

12.000,00 TL

Erman Cobanoglu
120cm x 100cm

10.000,00 TL
Butterfly Effect

Erman Cobanoglu
100cm x 70cm

11.750,00 TL
5.500,00 TL
5.500,00 TL